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Bestenlisten Russland

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#481 Summoner Icon Bладик 6 8
91 LP
Diamant IV
91 LP
#484 Summoner Icon Hagy 36 34
87 LP
Diamant IV
87 LP
#485 Summoner Icon bulybazavr 42 21
86 LP
Diamant IV
86 LP
#487 Summoner Icon ЗовиМеняГосподин 21 28
86 LP
Diamant IV
86 LP
#488 Summoner Icon Lazar 12 24
85 LP
Diamant IV
85 LP
#489 Summoner Icon YoraTucky 64 40
84 LP
Diamant IV
84 LP
#491 Summoner Icon Nightsong 39 43
83 LP
Diamant IV
83 LP
#494 Summoner Icon мощны сиске 7 12
81 LP
Diamant IV
81 LP
#496 Summoner Icon Fayupnupe 62 70
46 LP
Diamant IV
46 LP
#497 Summoner Icon Quasi SteIIar 26 16
80 LP
Diamant IV
80 LP
#498 Summoner Icon arisha39 72 57
79 LP
Diamant IV
79 LP
#499 Summoner Icon Дейнворт 64 62
78 LP
Diamant IV
78 LP
#500 Summoner Icon Ardena 86 77
76 LP
Diamant IV
76 LP Soraka Nami
#501 Summoner Icon GHOST OF KYIV 23 22
76 LP
Diamant IV
76 LP Twitch Kai'Sa Draven Urgot Ezreal
#503 Summoner Icon YourWaifuLuvUWT 46 32
74 LP
Diamant IV
74 LP
#504 Summoner Icon Subversion 29 32
73 LP
Diamant IV
73 LP
#507 Summoner Icon Тaтьянa 112 100
72 LP
Diamant IV
72 LP Nami
#508 Summoner Icon квзе 7 9
96 LP
Diamant IV
96 LP
#509 Summoner Icon Господин Никтo 122 111
71 LP
Diamant IV
71 LP Sett
#513 Summoner Icon RaShu 66 64
68 LP
Diamant IV
68 LP Senna