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Bestenlisten Westeuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#18,762 Summoner Icon Paquu 5 3
76 LP
Diamant IV
76 LP
#18,762 Summoner Icon fNMark 14 18
74 LP
Smaragd III
74 LP
#18,763 Summoner Icon Dépresif 2 Baisé 67 63
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP Jinx Kog'Maw
#18,764 Summoner Icon Peterthecheater6 103 102
89 LP
Smaragd I
89 LP Olaf
#18,766 Summoner Icon Sweck 58 61
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,771 Summoner Icon Durak 282 289
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,774 Summoner Icon Krono Slayer 230 215
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,779 Summoner Icon Mr Pillow 93 97
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,780 Summoner Icon ElCamellotucô 91 75
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,782 Summoner Icon AroundFate 62 63
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,783 Summoner Icon Muzska89 36 41
81 LP
Diamant III
81 LP
#18,784 Summoner Icon seasonsofblossom 10 13
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,785 Summoner Icon Shenmuee 23 30
72 LP
Smaragd III
72 LP
#18,786 Summoner Icon shin 203 218
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,787 Summoner Icon CEO of Animals 48 48
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,788 Summoner Icon Goloume 77 58
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,790 Summoner Icon Flappy Turtle 62 74
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,791 Summoner Icon Schanzus Longus 74 59
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,792 Summoner Icon Sunrise 53 60
75 LP
Diamant IV
75 LP
#18,792 Summoner Icon HakaiSatsu 27 13
82 LP
Smaragd IV
82 LP Ornn