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Bestenlisten Westeuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#8,361 Summoner Icon PLAY EASY CHAMPS 7 9
68 LP
Smaragd II
68 LP
#8,361 Summoner Icon Buzyy 218 193
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Ashe Jhin Miss Fortune
#8,363 Summoner Icon Parkourist 114 82
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#8,366 Summoner Icon SchoolComp 48 45
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Wukong
#8,370 Summoner Icon OBL Hunty 48 28
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Karma
#8,371 Summoner Icon TTV White Lotus 130 88
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Karma
#8,372 Summoner Icon Deathwish 187 193
0 LP
Meister I
0 LP Elise Diana
#8,373 Summoner Icon 6 Months Kirios 37 30
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#8,374 Summoner Icon grotespeler 87 68
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Thresh
#8,375 Summoner Icon BAIS MILLAH V2 59 41
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#8,376 Summoner Icon Crossman 66 60
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Orianna
#8,377 Summoner Icon AlphasIRL 106 89
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#8,378 Summoner Icon ZEN Jamrobot 123 117
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#8,379 Summoner Icon Carnacié 78 60
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#8,380 Summoner Icon Creator of Gaps 38 24
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Soraka
#8,381 Summoner Icon Snaik 55 43
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Vladimir Jarvan IV.
#8,382 Summoner Icon Frede from Fyn 51 37
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Caitlyn Kai'Sa
#8,383 Summoner Icon TFC adrii GORDO 30 20
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Gragas
#8,384 Summoner Icon Huag Asura 113 111
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Graves
#8,385 Summoner Icon Endless Pain 54 37
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP Caitlyn