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Bestenlisten Westeuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#8,081 Summoner Icon UllU Aschway 38 46
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP
#8,083 Summoner Icon Onii 160 172
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP Kai'Sa
#8,084 Summoner Icon shawn frσste 6 19
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP
#8,085 Summoner Icon BRUTO 13 17
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP
#8,086 Summoner Icon Lilo lowkey 40 39
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP Janna
#8,089 Summoner Icon Jihyo Fan 12 4
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP Renekton
#8,090 Summoner Icon Heidi Pierre 12 4
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP
#8,092 Summoner Icon brotheraff 3 8
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,093 Summoner Icon I LOVE YOU BABY 133 106
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP Xerath
#8,094 Summoner Icon smokeur2a 16 25
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP Pantheon
#8,095 Summoner Icon Phython 10 14
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,096 Summoner Icon Saperlipopette 12 16
36 LP
Platin IV
36 LP
#8,097 Summoner Icon Tranqui 22 19
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,098 Summoner Icon CCYouLater 49 34
34 LP
Platin II
34 LP
#8,099 Summoner Icon MicroOndes 16 19
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,100 Summoner Icon polosatik5 45 36
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,101 Summoner Icon way next adking 154 138
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,103 Summoner Icon Leerln 71 49
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#8,104 Summoner Icon faith and hope 58 57
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP Yone
#8,105 Summoner Icon Huntrrrr 7 4
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP