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Bestenlisten Westeuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#23,501 Summoner Icon talented refugee 41 26
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,502 Summoner Icon Reason to Smile 26 15
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,503 Summoner Icon Hiro 40 38
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP Jhin
#23,504 Summoner Icon Tongchai 13 19
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,505 Summoner Icon CheesecakeNipple 113 104
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,509 Summoner Icon N1ghtroon 2 3
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,517 Summoner Icon ThAWooRsT 134 129
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,524 Summoner Icon Eyahamyrest 3 4
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP Tryndamere
#23,528 Summoner Icon PRO dieuwedüne 64 55
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,529 Summoner Icon Zormat02 5 9
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP LeBlanc
#23,532 Summoner Icon pamfik 33 34
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,536 Summoner Icon SAMIRAINSTALOCK2 88 96
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,538 Summoner Icon 飞机上的肥鸡 8 6
10 LP
Diamant IV
10 LP
#23,540 Summoner Icon braize80 120 101
9 LP
Diamant IV
9 LP
#23,541 Summoner Icon Coeos 8 15
9 LP
Diamant IV
9 LP
#23,544 Summoner Icon Niller 21 40 38
21 LP
Smaragd IV
21 LP
#23,548 Summoner Icon SupremeNisse 221 214
9 LP
Diamant IV
9 LP
#23,548 Summoner Icon RED Batista 134 121
37 LP
Smaragd IV
37 LP
#23,553 Summoner Icon Shintarô MinHo 42 23
9 LP
Diamant IV
9 LP
#23,555 Summoner Icon Meowentally ill 89 80
9 LP
Diamant IV
9 LP