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Bestenlisten Nord-/Osteuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#14,741 Summoner Icon Inquis 125 87
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,742 Summoner Icon Kingenze 20 8
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,743 Summoner Icon Vexyyy 6 3
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP Xerath
#14,744 Summoner Icon Faky 8 2
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,746 Summoner Icon Pαtrix 11 11
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,747 Summoner Icon Seeffi99 35 26
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,749 Summoner Icon Sevixdd 44 40
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP Camille
#14,750 Summoner Icon Fable 52 36
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,751 Summoner Icon tovo34 17 8
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,752 Summoner Icon Muda 10 7
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,754 Summoner Icon Panda 21 22
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,755 Summoner Icon Graviti 15 2
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,756 Summoner Icon YungUnranked 9 13
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,757 Summoner Icon Banianiastyy 6 3
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,758 Summoner Icon GodPenguin 12 8
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,759 Summoner Icon Better be gone 5 8
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,763 Summoner Icon Esu1 56 50
78 LP
Smaragd IV
78 LP
#14,764 Summoner Icon Softon 93 84
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,765 Summoner Icon who fed lux 13 5
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP
#14,766 Summoner Icon silver thread 37 27
5 LP
Diamant IV
5 LP