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Bestenlisten Nord-/Osteuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#14,321 Summoner Icon The King And 49 28
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Rammus
#14,323 Summoner Icon Biretosmradac 13 9
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,324 Summoner Icon KidsChaser 7 9
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,325 Summoner Icon AndreQ111 134 117
92 LP
Platin II
92 LP Singed
#14,326 Summoner Icon Wisherman 31 16
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Senna
#14,327 Summoner Icon NewBloodIsHere 37 39
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,328 Summoner Icon Sajdaczinio 22 30
1 LP
Platin IV
1 LP
#14,329 Summoner Icon bingo bingo 10 9
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,331 Summoner Icon vego31 24 27
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Sion
#14,332 Summoner Icon bricex23 41 47
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Trundle Yuumi
#14,333 Summoner Icon sUprMatyates 27 39
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,334 Summoner Icon skye 47 41
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,337 Summoner Icon Skórzyłeb 55 53
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,338 Summoner Icon Airidazas 2 6
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,339 Summoner Icon BlightVoid 18 14
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP
#14,340 Summoner Icon RounoRx 195 199
69 LP
Gold I
69 LP Yasuo Jinx Shen Master Yi Vayne
#14,341 Summoner Icon AJETADY5UCKA 47 50
63 LP
Platin III
63 LP Teemo
#14,342 Summoner Icon Zarin 48 62
75 LP
Gold I
75 LP Nautilus Tahm Kench Brand Veigar
#14,343 Summoner Icon 독사 같은 12 15
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Darius Viego Blitzcrank
#14,344 Summoner Icon iixovy 79 67
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Jayce Pantheon Swain Viego