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Bestenlisten Nord-/Osteuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#11,942 Summoner Icon Paul Pogba 153 164
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,942 Summoner Icon Tomoé 48 60
0 LP
Smaragd IV
0 LP
#11,943 Summoner Icon Taleshx 15 14
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,945 Summoner Icon Castlan 8 10
61 LP
Smaragd I
61 LP
#11,947 Summoner Icon 천명의 여자들과 나는 당신에 234 185
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP Xerath
#11,948 Summoner Icon Derrick Rose 51 41
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP Kassadin
#11,949 Summoner Icon jura11 27 20
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,956 Summoner Icon pijany walczuś 123 105
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,958 Summoner Icon DrCrab 67 64
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,959 Summoner Icon Mid or Meet 8 10
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,961 Summoner Icon 20jules06 25 22
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,964 Summoner Icon lnsectitu Azul 3 2
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,965 Summoner Icon MakiRoll 109 116
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,968 Summoner Icon birdy fellow 2 5
2 LP
Smaragd IV
2 LP
#11,969 Summoner Icon Lucasic 18 16
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP Syndra
#11,970 Summoner Icon Szekbence 128 140
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,971 Summoner Icon GUTS The First 24 20
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,972 Summoner Icon Syndrom 166 162
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#11,973 Summoner Icon topzi 36 45
48 LP
Diamant IV
48 LP Sona
#11,976 Summoner Icon Captain Koukku 50 43
6 LP
Diamant IV
6 LP Caitlyn