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Bestenlisten Nord-/Osteuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#5,821 Summoner Icon RRAVEN 11 13
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP Caitlyn
#5,822 Summoner Icon AngelOfAstral 2 7
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP Karma
#5,823 Summoner Icon Y4NN1 101 90
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP
#5,824 Summoner Icon 0bscurial 40 25
79 LP
Smaragd IV
79 LP
#5,825 Summoner Icon egoistaisagi 45 45
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP
#5,826 Summoner Icon Bifixd 3 4
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP
#5,827 Summoner Icon DemonLike 1 6
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP
#5,828 Summoner Icon 455221 16 16
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP
#5,829 Summoner Icon Dr Clutchi 49 40
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP Teemo
#5,830 Summoner Icon Uzzdjwirntzx3i 3 4
52 LP
Platin I
52 LP
#5,831 Summoner Icon Ulungun 56 70
22 LP
Smaragd IV
22 LP Nunu & Willump Lee Sin Zac Yorick
#5,832 Summoner Icon pjower09 10 16
0 LP
Smaragd IV
0 LP
#5,833 Summoner Icon Joe Biden 138 130
0 LP
Smaragd IV
0 LP Corki Smolder Tristana Karma Kai'Sa
#5,834 Summoner Icon Ur2weak4me 11 6
51 LP
Platin I
51 LP
#5,835 Summoner Icon legendaryW1 12 7
51 LP
Platin I
51 LP
#5,836 Summoner Icon EternalSuffering 4 1
51 LP
Platin I
51 LP Kai'Sa
#5,837 Summoner Icon GJ ΦΑΙΔΩΝ 16 17
51 LP
Platin I
51 LP Morgana
#5,839 Summoner Icon Qrwa jbana 20 25
51 LP
Platin I
51 LP
#5,841 Summoner Icon Hokis 4 1
51 LP
Platin I
51 LP
#5,843 Summoner Icon Time to Trundle 91 94
20 LP
Smaragd IV
20 LP Aatrox Warwick Trundle