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Bestenlisten Nord-/Osteuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#4,241 Summoner Icon tragédie 7 17
50 LP
Diamant IV
50 LP
#4,242 Summoner Icon Captain Iglos 20 20
50 LP
Diamant IV
50 LP Renekton
#4,243 Summoner Icon imagity 5 8
75 LP
Smaragd I
75 LP
#4,244 Summoner Icon Fear 13 18
1 LP
Diamant III
1 LP
#4,246 Summoner Icon KanyeEast 134 127
50 LP
Diamant IV
50 LP Gangplank Azir Warwick
#4,247 Summoner Icon Huzakinomaru 7 15
50 LP
Diamant IV
50 LP
#4,248 Summoner Icon Crusienlul 4 5
50 LP
Diamant IV
50 LP
#4,249 Summoner Icon Pissonyoutoo 81 88
50 LP
Diamant IV
50 LP
#4,252 Summoner Icon Kartso 7 6
60 LP
Diamant IV
60 LP
#4,253 Summoner Icon The Nexonest 41 44
38 LP
Diamant I
38 LP
#4,254 Summoner Icon Mind Breaker 21 17
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#4,255 Summoner Icon Žokne 31 34
33 LP
Diamant III
33 LP
#4,257 Summoner Icon Ταλιγάζα 32 35
15 LP
Diamant IV
15 LP
#4,258 Summoner Icon Chawos 65 51
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP Pyke
#4,259 Summoner Icon Maverick 129 122
37 LP
Diamant IV
37 LP Lissandra Corki Viktor Caitlyn
#4,260 Summoner Icon StandGliding 10 13
38 LP
Diamant IV
38 LP
#4,261 Summoner Icon Bluemancer 22 18
75 LP
Smaragd I
75 LP
#4,262 Summoner Icon dutzy 105 92
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP Aatrox Irelia Viktor Malzahar Aurelion Sol
#4,263 Summoner Icon s1saj zvezdo 20 20
49 LP
Diamant IV
49 LP
#4,264 Summoner Icon Cant St0p Flow 107 91
48 LP
Diamant IV
48 LP Shaco