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Bestenlisten Nord-/Osteuropa

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#40,324 Summoner Icon RitoMakesMeMad 86 85
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,325 Summoner Icon geoplace 12 4
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,327 Summoner Icon NEsSsKE 131 121
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,328 Summoner Icon gMagla 106 93
5 LP
Smaragd IV
5 LP Taric Nautilus
#40,329 Summoner Icon luinharand 311 301
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,330 Summoner Icon MDHD 58 56
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,331 Summoner Icon Ctä 6 8
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,332 Summoner Icon Phoorgow 8 10
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,333 Summoner Icon wyjec86 36 32
35 LP
Platin III
35 LP Jinx
#40,334 Summoner Icon Fart Spillage 11 21
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP Qiyana
#40,335 Summoner Icon WAROpl12 77 77
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,336 Summoner Icon Felix Ketchup 72 65
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,337 Summoner Icon HUGE KURUMAUS 73 77
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP Jarvan IV. Sylas
#40,340 Summoner Icon Døn Mateo 156 162
64 LP
Platin IV
64 LP
#40,341 Summoner Icon DeaD Cheat 126 135
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,342 Summoner Icon Teohal 12 20
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,343 Summoner Icon Akos1077 30 30
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP Tryndamere
#40,345 Summoner Icon AdmiralMajk 11 14
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,346 Summoner Icon cino3 29 27
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP
#40,347 Summoner Icon The Wall 3 2
90 LP
Platin IV
90 LP Akali