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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#22,883 Summoner Icon Good nudes 27 7
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,884 Summoner Icon xoGamma 7 4
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,885 Summoner Icon the BÉ 74 74
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,886 Summoner Icon Rιven Bot 68 88
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,887 Summoner Icon JayceTheSavior 102 83
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,890 Summoner Icon grzywka gaming 53 46
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,892 Summoner Icon T4RZANI 55 52
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,893 Summoner Icon Heaven 16 17
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,894 Summoner Icon faderota 115 124
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,898 Summoner Icon Mad R1L0 107 97
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,899 Summoner Icon Podstawa 997 202 191
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,900 Summoner Icon Badaka 17 8
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,902 Summoner Icon große aDolf 21 29
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,903 Summoner Icon Captain Zo 68 81
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,905 Summoner Icon Klaus Mıkaelson 89 83
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,906 Summoner Icon Buberts 49 55
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,908 Summoner Icon DrWardan 13 14
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP
#22,910 Summoner Icon Gohnhs 171 136
41 LP
Smeraldo IV
41 LP Teemo
#22,910 Summoner Icon thunderstorm202 101 87
23 LP
Platino III
23 LP
#22,912 Summoner Icon Rukkle 11 1
80 LP
Platino II
80 LP