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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#203,001 Summoner Icon NOX AEON 60 67
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,002 Summoner Icon Nissan Altima 131 145
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Warwick Nautilus Lucian
#203,003 Summoner Icon Nobul 83 98
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,007 Summoner Icon JamaLord 18 26
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Draven
#203,008 Summoner Icon SDGwafell 18 28
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,009 Summoner Icon Czacha110 9 25
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Lux
#203,010 Summoner Icon King of Forest 2 5
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,011 Summoner Icon jjodveni 7 14
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Lux
#203,012 Summoner Icon OBLOCK SIGMA 15 20
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Pyke
#203,013 Summoner Icon dihozabijaka3001 25 32
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Gragas Kha'Zix Cho'Gath
#203,014 Summoner Icon SlapBallSlayer 35 41
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Hecarim
#203,015 Summoner Icon 로렌 요 8 11
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,016 Summoner Icon LuQxZ 20 29
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Shyvana Lissandra
#203,017 Summoner Icon DAMOND 15 23
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Viego Nocturne Rammus
#203,018 Summoner Icon xeneize21 78 94
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Shaco Wukong
#203,019 Summoner Icon Skuty Dżony 4 6
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,021 Summoner Icon AngieRoyal 35 44
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Seraphine
#203,022 Summoner Icon SYADELM3EEZ 10 13
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP
#203,023 Summoner Icon FiravacX is back 22 29
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Ashe
#203,024 Summoner Icon Senbðnzakura 46 61
49 LP
Ferro IV
49 LP Gragas